Restorative/Cosmetic Dentistry

Restore and maintain proper teeth function and oral health or enhance the appearance of your smile.

Restorative/Cosmetic Dentistry

Restore and maintain proper teeth function and oral health or enhance the appearance of your smile.

Composite Restoration

Composite Restorations are tooth-colored fillings, commonly made of strong plastic and glass materials, used to fill in cavities and restore severely damaged teeth. These high-quality and long-lasting restorations are shade-matched by our dentists for a natural looking appearance.

Diastema Closure

A diastema is the gap between the two front teeth. It is commonly closed through the addition of a composite (restoration) or through orthodontics. When the gap between the teeth is too large, a composite might result in  teeth that are too wide, in this case, orthodontics is recommended.

Fiber Reinforced Material

A fiber reinforced composite is made of high-strength, white filling to fill in and restore teeth in a variety of ways. It typically combines traditional dental composite and glass fibers that provide amazing strength and dental aesthetics.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening or teeth bleaching, is one of the most common cosmetic dental procedures. It improves the appearance of your smile by restoring the natural shade of your teeth or even providing a shade that is lighter than your natural teeth providing a pearly-white smile.

Dental Care For Everyone

Conforming to the highest standards of modern-day dentistry. We are committed to serve you an exceptional and affordable dental care. #ElevateYourDentalExperience